大宮盆栽デイズ - Omiya Bonsai Days -



// 絵文字ふぶき@コードを学ぼう3
let emoji = "✨🌝🔦💫👀☄️🌎"
// Split emoji into an array of single-character strings.
// 文字列を、一文字ずつ分けて配列に入れる
let characters = emoji.componentsByCharacter()

// characters の次のアイテムを取るためのインデックス
var index = 0

func addText(touch: Touch) {
    if touch.previousPlaceDistance < 80
    { return }
    // var chosenEmoji = "🐠"
    // Set chosenEmoji to item index of characters array.
    var chosenEmoji = characters[index]
    // Create graphic from the chosen emoji.
    let graphic = Graphic(text: chosenEmoji)
    // Increment index to point to next item.
    index += 1
    // Reset index if it’s reached the end of the array.
    if index == characters.count {
        index = 0
    // Set `scale` and `rotation`.
    graphic.scale = 1.5
    graphic.rotation = randomDouble(from: 0.0, to: 180)
    scene.place(graphic, at: touch.position)
