`iterate` って「反復」「繰り返し処理する」って意味なんだね。`Em!` は Wikipedia によると「英語の3人称複数代名詞「them」の短縮形「'em」」のようです。
it・er・ate | ɪ́tərèɪt |
1 ⦅かたく⦆…を反復する, 繰り返す.
2 〈コンピュータの命令〉を繰り返し処理する.
// ボタンに応答する@コードを学ぼう3 let blackHole = Graphic(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "BlackHole@2x.png")) let x = randomDouble(from: -400, to: 400) let y = randomDouble(from: -400, to: 400) let blackHolePosition = Point(x: x, y: y) scene.place(blackHole, at: blackHolePosition) // Array of graphics on the scene. var graphics: [Graphic] = [Graphic]() // Fade out graphic, the remove it. func squishGraphic(graphic: Graphic) { graphic.scale -= 0.5 graphic.alpha -= 0.25 // Remove graphic when scale gets small. if graphic.scale < 0.6 { graphic.moveAndZap(to: blackHole.position) } } // Squish all graphics. func squishEm() { // Iterate over graphics and squish each one. for graphic in graphics { squishGraphic(graphic: graphic) } } // UFF tool event handler. func addFructoid(touch: Touch) { if touch.previousPlaceDistance < 60 { return } let fruit = "🍏🍐🍊🍋🍉🍒🍓🍌".componentsByCharacter() let graphic = Graphic(text: fruit.randomItem) scene.place(graphic, at: touch.position) graphics.append(graphic) graphic.scale = 2.0 let x = randomDouble(from: 50, to: 400) let y = randomDouble(from: 50, to: 400) let period = randomDouble(from: 8.0, to: 15.0) graphic.orbit(x: x, y: y, period: period) } // Create and add UFF tool. let fructoidTool = Tool(name: "UFF", emojiIcon: "🍋") fructoidTool.onFingerMoved = addFructoid(touch:) scene.tools.append(fructoidTool) // Create and add Squish tool. let squishTool = Tool(name: "Squish", emojiIcon: "💥") squishTool.onGraphicTouched = squishGraphic(graphic:) scene.tools.append(squishTool) // Create and add Squish ’Em! button. let squishButton = Button(name: "Squish ’Em!") squishButton.onTap = squishEm scene.button = squishButton