大宮盆栽デイズ - Omiya Bonsai Days -


@CheckiO@First Word

def first_word(text: str) -> str:
        returns the first word in a given text.
    # ドットとカンマをスペースに置換する
    del_conmma = text.replace(',', ' ')
    del_dot = del_conmma.replace('.', ' ')
    replaced_text = del_dot
    # スペースを区切りにリストに代入する
    text = replaced_text.split(' ')
    # リスト要素が空であれば削除する
    text = ([s for s in text if s != ''])
    return text[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(first_word("Hello world"))
    # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing
    assert first_word("Hello world") == "Hello"
    assert first_word(" a word ") == "a"
    assert first_word("don't touch it") == "don't"
    assert first_word("greetings, friends") == "greetings"
    assert first_word("... and so on ...") == "and"
    assert first_word("hi") == "hi"
    assert first_word("Hello.World") == "Hello"
    print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")